Still getting used to this blogging thing. Lots of reading going on over on this side of the computer screen. I had decided to get a better grasp of how it all works, I should probably read other blogs. I've noticed everyone seems to blog about their daily lives. Sadly, my life is pretty repetitive. I'm a huge advocate for routine! Sometimes that can be a good thing, while most times it leads for the same day over and over and over again.
Currently I work in an eye doctors office. That alone can be a stretch for our spiritual life. I spend most of my days with lots of different characters that get on my nerves far more than they realize. Clearly, I can't act on my irritations because I should be exhibiting the love of God to them right?? Right. So last night, with all the valentines mushiness, and everyone being extra verbal on their opinions of how I should go about things in my personal life. (My opinion was "None of your business!" But I held my tongue.) I thought to myself, surely this can't be ONLY me going through this? And I asked my self the only logical question burned into any '90s kids brain: W.W.J.D?? So I took it to the Bible.
What I find most astounding about learning from God is He uses Himself as an example! Q:How do we show grace? A:Look at how God showed grace through the entire Old Testament. Particularly in the book of Judges. Q:How do I love? A:"But God demonstrates His own love for us..." Romans 5:8 and "God so loved the world..." John 3:16. Often the selfish side of us wants to say "Yes, that is how YOU show grace and love God. But I'm not YOU." But aren't we supposed to be His ambassadors here on earth? How else will the people who don't know Him ever find Him?
So there's my two cents for the day. I can't guarantee my days will be flawless from here on out. At least its a start, and I'll know where I went wrong and who to go to on my bad days.
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