Laundry. Laundry day. Some people would think of this as such a menial chore. Yet, in reality, it can be quite the burden. Laundry day used to be my most favorite day. I had my week always planned out. On my day off I would do laundry, and in between loads I could get other stuff done. Clean the kitchen, bathrooms, do some dusting, or de-clutter (seasonally), or have a Narnia (or Lord of the Rings) marathon.
Ever since we moved into our teeny, TINY apartment, that day has not been the same. I know a lot of people will think I'm borderline crazy for saying this, but laundry day has lost its fun! Now, I have to pay extra to do my laundry, or I go to another location (mainly my parents house) and NONE of my extra house work gets done! Random thought: It should not have to be this difficult to get clean clothes in order to be socially acceptable! If people don't want us to smell then they should MAKE LAUNDRY ROOMS MORE ACCESSABLE!!!!!
I never thought there would be a day when all I could pray for during my quiet time was just a home with a laundry room, that I don't have to pay for. That I wouldn't have to travel somewhere else to make sure that we had clean clothes. And I do, honestly, pray about this.
My husband and I have currently started looking at houses. We want to take an extra step in our ministry and we know we would not be able to do as much being in our tiny little apartment. So we've been praying that God will bless us with the right space for the things He wants us to do. Through this journey we always ask ourselves all sorts of questions. How much land do we want? How many bathrooms? Do we want a basement? How would we like the kitchen to be set up? Do we want an eat in kitchen? Do we want a two car garage? Do we want the garage to be attached to the house? Seriously, ALL sorts of questions. And going through these listings I find myself looking for the laundry space. The kitchen I can deal with. The garage I could care less about. Yes I want a basement, for sure, because I' most likely put my laundry room down there.
I truly believe that we will be lead to the perfect size house/land for what we want to use it for. And I know that God hears all prayers, and if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move whole mountains. This prayer of mine really seems like no big deal. If God doesn't answer it, then its not the end of the world. But, this is a trial I have been dealing with for a long time. Laundry day starts to be a thorn in my side because of how much time it takes now. And everything I have to push aside till its done. Or things I need to sacrifice financially if I want to be able to do laundry in my apartment so I can get those other chores or tasks done.
In 1 Samuel 1, we read about the birth of Samuel. Hannah had been barren and she would go to the temple of the Lord and pray to God to give her a son. It says 1Sam. 1:12-16 "As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk and said to her, "How long will you keep on getting drunk? Get rid of your wine." "Not so, my lord," Hannah replied, " I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief."
Now, I have not been drinking either, and I would not say that the burden of laundry day would be considered as a great anguish and grief as not being able to have children. But I will admit, there are some days when this chore wears on me, and I do feel the anguish of having to load and unload the laundry to travel somewhere to get it done, or find a way to buy the tokens so I can use the laundry room in my building. And I do pray deeply from my heart, "Lord, we are taking the steps to do work for you. We are excited about this journey and can't wait till we can get the ball rolling for you. Lord, I just would love a laundry room, a place in my home where I can do this chore to take care of my family and be able to multi task and do the other chores that take care of my family and lead them to you. As it says in the Bible, everything you do, do it for the Lord. Amen."
I hope this encourages you that no prayer is too small for God. He hears them all, and does answer them in one way or another. He heard our prayer to be able to do more for Him, and He is leading us to the right home so we can do those works. And He hears my prayers for a laundry room, and will make sure this new home will have the perfect laundry room for me, His child.
Now off to swap loads. :-)
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