Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Super Special

As I was teaching art today with my littles class, we were talking about Georgia O'Keefe. I was explaining how Georgia had a lot of people try to change her passion or change her technique as a painter, but she found ways to continue what she loved.

The kids took that conversation and ran with it. "She has a special technique because God made her that way!" "She has a unique style because she's super special!" "She shouldn't be ashamed of the talents God gave her!"

The heart of these kids! They had no idea that Georgia O'Keefe has since passed, and they especially don't know her personally. But they still wanted her to know how special she was and they were FIRED. UP.

We're raising the next generation to replace us. Let's make sure they have the heart to love each person unconditionally, and to spread that love any way they can.

I could learn a thing or two from these kids today. 

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