Saturday, March 25, 2017

Soft Reminders

Such a sweet reminder today that even if we don't understand it, or if it doesn't add up in our heads, that doesn't mean God isn't working. For the past few months my husband and I have been feeling God work in our hearts to do more with our junior high youth kids. We wanted to create a safe place for them to hang out and just be kids. Not expecting anything of them, or pressuring them to grow up. Just be yourself; be a kid. We have been house hunting for this very reason and the doors have not been opening. I have been trusting that God is in this journey with us and there is a reason He's keeping the doors closed. But its still hard.

I've also been feeling, personally, that I'm not giving enough of myself. If only I had more space. If only I had more time. If only I had more money. All these struggles have been distracting me and tearing me down. I have honestly felt defeated. How are we supposed to grow and do good works for God if we don't have anything to give? That's when His soft voice gently asked me "Are you giving of your"stuff" or of your"self"?

Am I? Am I too focused on giving of my"stuff" and forgetting to give of my"self"?

Today we have a friend staying with us for the night. Not a usual for us. And for once I don't feel like I have to entertain. I have let the guys run the TV this afternoon and I cleaned house and cooked dinner. As I was washing up the dishes after dinner I heard that sweet voice again, "This is giving of yourself. Giving up your routine, your time, your space. Cooking food and making sure there is something available for your guest's comfort. He didn't come over tonight asking for money. He didn't come asking for a weeks worth of groceries. He wanted a safe place to sleep and someone he connects with to have fun and hang out with."

This is what it looks like to give of your"self". We are just hanging out, having fun. The guys are playing video games, having a blast, and I am getting caught up on my reading. (I'm extremely behind.) It didn't cost us anything, we didn't have to give him any "stuff", we're just spending time with him and blessing him with God's love.

How wonderful it is to be reminded of God's love through the little things. Just spending time with someone is equally a blessing as a financial blessing. I'm so honored that God chose us to go through this crazy journey and lesson. I'm looking forward to many more mind blowing break throughs of God's divine love and wonderful life lessons.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful....most of the time kids just want your attention. You guys do way more than you know. You are definitely doing God's work and reaching out to those that others may not have the patience or heart for. God bless you both. Such heart you two have. Love you both dearly... you guys are such a dap blessing! Doors will open for you, stay faithful!
